Sunday, April 19, 2009

Scarlett's Baby Blessing

This blessing dress/outfit was mine and even the little dolly was mine. My mom cleaned it up and had whitened it so that it looked great. My grandma Mildon had given my mom this dress for me to be blessed in, along with the shoes. My mom has pictures of me just like this and so I thought it would be fun to take pictures of Scarlett in the same outfit with the same dolly in basically the same pose. Thanks mom for going to all this work for us today.. and for everything that you helped us out with for the blessing!!

Today was rather interesting... in fact, I think that they should make a comedy about it entitled 'the blessing day' or something like that haha. We woke up early and were early to church, come to find that we were at the wrong church. Andy and I walked around the church looking for out Bishop to sign some papers and get some information for the blessing. We found out that our ward had moved and we hadn't heard about it. Since I've been working on Sundays we've not been to church in a while and during that time the ward has split twice and moved locations. So we drove to three other churches before deciding that it was too late and basically hopeless to find the right church for the blessing. Andy and my dad went to locate the correct church and we stayed at the third church to stay for sacrament with the kids (Jess and Shelley, me and my mom and the kids). During sacrament Jess left with Miriam - and we later found them in the parking lot with Miriam hunched over looking like she was going to throw up. Shelley found a plastic bag to carry around with her in case she threw up in the car on the ride back to our house or during the blessing. We then also came to the realization that I didn't have a car to get home, because Andy and my dad had taken our car to go search for the correct church. My mom didn't have the keys to her car because my dad had them with him. So we all pilled into Jess and Shelley's Suburban and headed for our house. On the way to our house Andy and my dad passed us. So we turned around to find out what had happened and to let them know that we were all in the car with Jess and Shelley. Come to find out that Andy and my dad had gone to about every church in the stake and finally went back to our street to see if anyone was home. They found a neighbor that was home and asked where our ward now met. They found out that the church we are supposed to go to now is about 3 to 4 miles east of our house (totally didn't make any sense). They talked to the bishop and he said that he could do the blessing in his office while the other church meetings went on. So we all followed Andy to the correct church and made it there by like 10:30 am. Scarlett was then officially blessed and we laughed about the entire morning on our way to the correct church.. thinking of ways we could turn it into one of those church comedy movies. Laughing about the whole thing made it a lot less stressful that's for sure. Andy and I felt so bad about everything, so it was good to know that everyone was able to see the humor in it all.
We finally made it to our house and had some brunch - omletts and pancakes.. mmm it was nice to visit with everyone and relax while the kids played. The rest of the day was spent relaxing... I played Operation with Boston a couple of times after his nap, he had tubbies, watched Madagascar and then it was pretty much time for bed. What a busy crazy day!! Scarlett will have the most amazing blessing story ever, haha! Happy blessing day little girl :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Snow in April and Scarlett's 4 month check up!!

We woke up this morning to find about 2 inches of snow on the ground and the mountains covered in snow with a beautiful sunrise :) The snow was unexpected, melted quickly but made a hard commute into work for Andy.

Scarlett's check up was in the afternoon, by then all the snow had melted from the lawn and roads, so it wasn't a dreadful drive to the Dr.'s office. Dr. Mumford said that she was doing great physically and developmentally.

Weight 12.45 lbs - 13th percential
Height 26 inches - 60th percential

So she's getting bigger but still lower than average in weight, which makes for a tall but tiny 4 month old girl. She liked the doctor until he pulled on her arms and then she was a little nervous. Then she got her shots and it just breaks your heart to have them cry like that. Poor thing had a rough night after that. Her left leg hurt pretty bad and she would start crying even with the smallest touch.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Day 2009

Easter Egg hunt - new toys and CANDY!!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Real Salt Lake Soccer Game!!

Real Soccer game with people from work - we had a off site with a few people from work and decided to go to the Real soccer game.. it was really fun actually and interesting to watch how talented the players were kicking a ball around. I only wish that Andy could've come with me :(

Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Real-Night with the Colton's

Easter 2009 - Colton Family Real Night

We had a lot of fun looking for easter eggs outside (even though it was raining) and hung out with family. Boston really loves his cousins and never gets tired of hanging out with Creed, Tate, Max, and Mason. We had a hot dog roast outside in a fire pit and made some smo'res. It was really fun and relaxing! The best part of the night was that my mom got up with Scarlett and Boston so that Andy and I could get some much need catch-up sleep :)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Scarlett is 4 months old today!!

Happy 4 month birthday little girl! I can't believe that you're already 4 months old.. It seems like yesterday that we were hanging out in the hospital, just you and I, waiting for dadda and Big brother Boston to come visit us :)
She is rolling onto her sides, but not to belly's yet and has grown quite the personality. She has found her voice and will scream and giggle and scream when she's mad too.. she is really a fun baby, needy but fun and she has been sleeping almost all the way through the night. She will go to bed at 9 and not wake up until 6:30 in the morning. She loves tubbies and her changing table and has recently found her little toy radio rather interesting. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Going to the dentist for the first time!

Boston went to the dentist for the first time today.. he was a little nervous to go but once he was there he thought it was pretty cool! They counted his teeth, ten on top and ten on bottom and then they cleaned his teeth and he got to hold the sucker and called it his tiny vaccuum. He thought that it was pretty silly when they would spray water in his mouth and then laughed when the sucker made his lips jiggle and make funny noises. He was super brave and the dentist (Dr. Miller) was extremely gentle and sweet with him. He's a great guy (I've had him as my dentist since I was little). His teeth are great and look 'perfect', according to Dr. Miller. All in all it was a big day for our big boy :)